Show streets and street names in PlexMap Oblique
In addition to oblique aerial imagery, data of type Feature such as the road network can also be mapped in PlexMap Oblique. The representation of a road network can significantly facilitate orientation in the oblique aerial viewer.
Sample switchboard Anchor
For example, data from OpenStreetMap (OSM) can be used as a data basis for the representation of a road network. For example, the Overpass API can be used to filter road data from the entire OSM dataset.
In the first step the road network exported from OSM is stored in a Depot of type Feature.
In the next step, the function Adopt z-value is used to assign elevation values from a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) as Z-values to the road geometries. This requires a DTM of type Grid.
Non-existing street names are described in the attributes of the OSM data at the key "NAME" with the attribute value "NULL".
So that these are not displayed later as "NULL" in the road network, the data with and without "NULL" are first separated from each other via Attribute Value set and Attribute Value not set.
Then, Set Attribute is used to set the NULL values with an empty value. Thus, there is no attribute stored in "NAME" for the NULL values anymore. In PlexMap Oblique now nothing is displayed if the street name is not known.
With Concatenate the two datasets are finally concatenated again and stored in a layer of type "2D-Feature".
Styling of the road network Anchor
In the Style parameter of the Store in Layer function, a style for displaying the streets and street names can be changed.
OSM uses a street hierarchy. The individual hierarchy levels can be styled separately using rules in PlexMap.
It has proven useful to color roads in the lower hierarchy levels white. Federal roads should be colored yellow and highways, for example, blue or red.